Don’t Forget to Remind Me

Remind me of the love,

that I once knew.

So very long ago,

when my world –

was quite new.

Remind me of the love,

that I lost along the way,

that seemed so fine –

but was forgotten one day.

Remind me,

of why our love –

melted like the winter snow.

So when the spring comes again,

looking for a new love,

I’ll know,

not to believe in magical things anymore.

Remind me,

why you and I can never be –

Where is the love,

that you and I once had?

They say that true love never dies,

guess that was not what we had.

Remind me,

of the secrets we once shared –

Tell me was that love real?

Remind me,

of where the laughter went –

Why did the silence come?

Tell me if you still care for me,

tell me if love can begin again

or have we lost the ties,

that once bound us together.

Lost that special feeling –

that made us one.

Remind me,

why I never saw you again,

Was it because my eyes

lost that starry glow?

Remind me,

of the time that was so special,

so that I can remember and smile

and when I go to bed tonight,

I can dream of a love,

that once was so very special

and so very real –

in another place and time.

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The Splendor

The beauty and the splendor,

of majestic mountains,


and makes my heart and soul sing.

It is there that I can climb up high,

to be nearer to you my love,

in your heavenly home.

I can hear the wind whisper your name to me

and the mountains echoe my joy –

being closer to you.


Deep down in a lush valley,

a river flows,

sourced from a waterfall,

gushing down from above.

There, near the pool.

I throw flowers in,

each one like a lovely natural boat bob,

down the river, they go,

hoping to send greetings to you,

when out to the sea they float.


Down by the sea,

the golden sand sparkles,

the gulls fly through the skies,

the breezes blow all around,

reminding me of our days in the sun.

Seashells play music,

from other shores,

the wind caresses my cheek,

I hear your voice so clearly –

as I blow kisses up toward the heavens above.


Beauty and splendor always inspire,

I know love is eternal.

Someday there’ll be a bridge to cross,

where you’ll reach out your hand to me –

together forever we’ll be.

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A World With Love

When my world

starts to feel cold,

the edges around it begin to blur,

the colors to fade.

I remind myself of what is real,

of the life you and I lead

and once the outside world is

left behind a closed door.

Everything in my world

falls into place once more.


Even with golden silence

between us,

there is a loving feeling

and my world regains contrast.

The colors brighten once more

and just like before –

all I need to do is close the door.

Leaving behind, that strange outside world,

take you by the hand

and love you once more,

and leave all the sorrow behind.


So easy to do in my world,

so hard to know what lies beyond.

If you and I can weather all the storms –

we’ll never grow old.

Still enjoying the pleasures of life

and marveling at the beauty

that nature provides,

knowing that there is a loving world

we can make our very own.


This I know is the wisdom of the ages,

as I look at paintings of lords and ladies –

their hearts now still

but once beating with love.

They still love through the ages,

now in the eternal sky,

for here they never let their love,

fade away nor let the colors blur,

on the world of love that they shared.


So on and on through the centuries –

love is one thing that never dies.

If you find your true love,

it will always shine,

and if in life you get parted –

you’ll have golden memories.

For once you reach the end of your days,

a starry path will lead you,

one to the other again.

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Serenade of the Moon and the Stars

Conversing with the stars,

is easy to do,

as they gently twinkle above –

beaming brightly in the dark of night.

I know the brightest stars I see,

are smiles of loved ones,

now in the world beyond,

reminding me of gladder times.

As the stars quietly whisper to me,

of all that has been

and still will be,

out came that golden orb,

winking back at me.

The moon is an old friend of mine,

the witness to much romance,

found in the moonlight.

He never reveals the secrets,

of lovers dancing beneath his glow,

sharing secret kisses,

delighting in their special love.

When the stars and the moon,

come together with night clouds,

that go floating by,

the shadows created,

make lovely pictures,

in the mysterious night

and the wind sends the clouds,

sailing across the sky,

past the stars and the moon –

making me feel as if I could fly.

When just for a moment,

the clouds hide the moon,

I know that very soon,

it will come shining through again

and the magic will continue –

long into the night.

Until the first sign of dawn,

when the sky becomes a rosy hue

and the stars turn off their nightlights,

the moon waits for the sun,

in the very early morn,

says good-night,

until the dark descends once more

and another night of magic –

will play its moon and stars serenade.

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When You Say Goodbye to Love

A journey of love,

that took us through all the seasons

and gave us all the reasons –

to fall in love came to an end one day.

Life is often that way,

one must say goodbye to love,

left to go on alone

and remembering the days that were shared.

Memories show many scenes,

played over and over again,

photos seem to come to life

and you are with me once more.

I keep retracing the last footsteps we took,

last time we held hands,

last time we kissed,

these moments now must last a lifetime,

till we can be together again.

It was the summer that took you away,

there was nothing to do or say,

sometimes fates are not kind –

but the best memories remain.

You came to me,

many years ago,

when the spring breezes began to blow.

It soon turned into a love so true,

if only I had known,

that the years so quickly would fly,

soon many seasons came and went,

still the memories remain,

of when our love was new

and I first loved you in the spring,

for now it just remains,

for me to go on alone,–

for now goodbye my love –

until I can meet you in eternity.

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Come Under My Umbrella

She said, “Come under my umbrella”,

while April showers rain down,

come take a walk with me –

among the raindrops that be.

Beneath our feet,

the last rivulets of snow,

like silvery streams,

go running away

and together we go dancing –

searching for rainbows.

Looking at the crocuses all in a row.

And he said,

“Come under my umbrella”,

let the kisses of April be wet,

because we know,

that the days of May –

will be sunny and bright.

Our love will keep our mood light

and there will be blue skies,

smiling from above.

Together they held hands,

looking into each other’s eyes.

Together they said,

“Come under my umbrella”,

let me hold you tight –

under the gray April skies.

Let me kiss you for each raindrop,

that comes falling down,

‘cause we know,

that in May,

happy and smiling,

still loving each other,

we’ll be –

under May skies of blue.

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Whisper to Me

Whisper to me,

so soft and low,

every evening before you go,.

words of love –

tell me that you love me only.

Whisper to me,

when we sit side by side

and make me sigh.

and content I’ll be –

tell me that you adore me so.


Whisper to me,

never leave me,

over and over again,

hold me tight.

While we’re dancing,

croon loves sweet melody

and make me swoon..


Whisper to me,

so that I’ll never forget,

your sweet voice,

it will stay in my ear,

even if life should part us –

so always whisper to me..

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April Showers

Every April the rain showers come,

they awaken the earth

and greet the flowers –

that are beginning to rise.

Soon there will be many lovely blooms,

that will sparkle and glitter,

beneath the raindrops,

left from April showers.


Soft dripping of the rain,

tapping against my window pane,

puddles of water all around,

running in streams,

making reflections –

great for daydreams.


Soon April showers,

will make way,

for the sun that will come,

in the month of May,

the colorful flowers,

tulips, daffodils, forget-me-nots and such –

so wonderful to look at, smell, and touch.


Eagerly waiting for lilacs to bloom,

chasing away the gloom,

which all these soft April showers,

with their raindrops,

bring as a promise,

of days of butterflies and honeybees,

happy days beneath the sun

and white sailing ships in the sky,

while daydreaming –

as spring breezes come blowing by.

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Seasons of Our Lives

As seasons come and go,

they reflect the moments of our lives.

As another summer draws to an end,

I’m reminded of the northern winds –

that will blow,

Soon the rainy days of autumn,

will be upon us

but I know –

that it will be another colorful autumn.

I can’t help to think,

that when we’re born,

it’s like a new spring,

as we bloom and we grow.

Our youth is like eternal summer

and we think it will go on forever.

Come the autumn years

and our children have grown.

With a sad but sweet memory,

we watch them spread their wings and fly.

By the time winter comes round,

we can delight in grandchildren

and know that we can still love.

Now that we are two again,

our love can blossom anew.

It isn’t with sadness,

that we must look upon the seasons –

but with gladness.

For the wonderful memories they bring,

so as we say good-bye to another season,

let’s make it another reason,

to share the love inside our hearts.

We have so much to look forward to

and though there are gray strands,

among the gold,

come my friend

and let’s dance in a new autumn,

knowing that hand in hand,

we still have many different reasons,

to share our love.

For a true love remains ever burning,

kisses still full of passion,

nights of wine and candlelight –

as the seasons go drifting by.

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Twilight Brings the Night

The bright day comes to an end,

shadows grow long,

the bright blue of the sky,

mingles with the purple of twilight,

as the pink sky gives way to the night.

Somewhere a nightingale begins its song,

the stars come out to play

and I wait for the nighttime magic to begin,

as the twilight brings the night,

closing the curtain on another day.

The lone hoot of an owl,

high up in a pine tree,

nighttime scents all around

and through the dark night clouds –

the bright moon is winking.

Memories bring me,

to other times,

when beneath the dark night sky,

you and I would sit side by side –

dreaming far into the night.

We’d listen as night melodies,

came to us on a breeze,

the stars seemed to begin dancing,

while the moon played hide and seek –

with clouds drifting by.

Then hand in hand we’d promenade,

along with a long forgotten song,

that used to fill our very hearts and souls

and remember it word for word –

as we’d go dancing in the dark.

The moon lighting our way,

no words to say,

just swaying to the melody,

reliving the memories,

of other nights,

other times –

somewhere long ago in our journey through life.

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