Dark Clouds

Dark clouds play hide and seek with the moon

Among the shadows, we dance

As dark mingles with light

The moon continues to peek out between the clouds

Our whispers of love floating on the air


Dark clouds play hide and seek with the moon

We quietly sway and dream

Knowing the moonbeams will light our way

Slowly we dance about the garden

Spotlighted by moonbeams


Dark clouds play hide and seek with the moon

As we go waltzing by

Try as it might that moon cannot beat the clouds

They follow him and hide his bright light

While we continue dancing now in light and then in shadow

Dark clouds play hide and seek with the moon

About RasmaSandra

I have returned to my homeland the U.S. and am presently living in Daytona Beach, Florida. I was born in N.Y.C. I love to write articles and poetry and have four blogs. I love rock and roll, cooking, reading, poetry and traveling.
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2 Responses to Dark Clouds

  1. And those same dark clouds add to the mystery and the magic.

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