Let’s Save America

America still stands,

but it’s tarnished,

like unpolished silver,

that needs a lot of shine.

The Atlantic and the Pacific,

still wash America’s shores,

on the East Coast and the West,

but the waters are now quite polluted.

The mighty rivers still flow

and the Mississippi is still the pride of many,

but sadly their waters,

now are less than clear.

From shore to shore,

from the Appalachians to the Rockies,

from the mountains to the prairies,

America can still be saved.

A call for help goes out,

from the wild animals,

of our national forests,

where they still roam free.

Let’s clean up our oceans,

our rivers and lakes,

let’s clean up our forests

and take away all the litter.

The mighty cities,

still fool the eyes,

they look proud and gleaming,

but the streets are full of the homeless and the hungry.

Let’s find a way to help them,

as we find a way to help ourselves,

to be able to gain independence,

from the powers that now oppress us.

Let’s open up our eyes,

before it is too late,

so that our children and grandchildren,

can still call America home.

This Memorial Day,

we remember and pray,

for the brave, fallen heroes,

who fought to keep America free.

Let’s keep in mind,

that they fought to protect,

an America that once was,

a land that was free and proud.

And so as other brave heroes,

now stand guard,

let’s give them a land that shows pride in itself,

a nation of people who are as one.

Who can be proud that they live,

in the land of the brave and the free,

to be able to have tears in their eyes –

as Old Glory waves high in the clear blue sky.

As the mighty eagle,

soars over mountains,

that reach up into unpolluted skies

and fish can caper in crystal clear streams.

To be able to see wild animals,

continuing to live in their natural environments,

the national forests unthreatened,

by the hand of time.

Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder,

for understanding and compassion,

so Lady Liberty can smile once more,

let’s love the land that has given us so much –

God bless America forever more.

This is in response to Kevin and his No Theme Thursday. He has a terrific blog do check it out. No Beginning At Last

About RasmaSandra

I have returned to my homeland the U.S. and am presently living in Daytona Beach, Florida. I was born in N.Y.C. I love to write articles and poetry and have four blogs. I love rock and roll, cooking, reading, poetry and traveling.
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7 Responses to Let’s Save America

  1. Kevin says:

    This is a very beautiful, fantastically written piece. Thank you very much for sharing it! 🙏🙏

  2. Kymber Hawke says:

    This is beautifully written with a lot of heart and power. I’m so glad I read this today. 🌺

  3. Pingback: NTT Showcase: 06.20.24 Edition – The Beginning At Last

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