Message from a Dove

We took a journey of love,

looking at clouds flying above.

You and I together,

the world at our feet.

From majestic mountains,

to meadows with the brightest flowers.

From busy cities,

to quiet country villages.

The stars and the moon,

followed along,

they lit up lovely fountains –

that we found along the way.

Came the day when we went to Italy,

there like the lovers we were,

we looked upon the wonders of Rome,

making wishes in its magical fountains.

In Venice where we strolled the squares,

hand in hand,

sweet kisses along the way,

then in a gondola,

we sat back –

to look upon the sky and dream.

These magical daydreams followed us,

for a lifetime long,

until the angels sent a dove.

with a heavenly message –

for now, we had to say farewell.

You had to fly while I stayed behind,

now dreaming of white doves in the sky

and knowing one day together again we’ll be.

A soft breeze caressed my cheek,

by my feet a feather I did see.

Looking up toward the skies,

I saw a dove fly by,

I kept following its flight,

until it disappeared into the blue.

Then I picked up the feather

and whispered, “I remember too”.

This is in response to Kevin and his No Theme Thursday. He has a terrific blog do check it out. No Beginning At Last.

About RasmaSandra

I have returned to my homeland the U.S. and am presently living in Daytona Beach, Florida. I was born in N.Y.C. I love to write articles and poetry and have four blogs. I love rock and roll, cooking, reading, poetry and traveling.
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5 Responses to Message from a Dove

  1. Kevin says:

    Very poignant and beautiful. A touching poem, indeed. Thank you very much for sharing this. 🙏🙏

    • RasmaSandra says:

      Glad you enjoyed this Kevin. The inspiration behind this is that during the time I lived in RIga, Latvia with my husband I collected bird feathers. I had a vase full of them. After my husband passed on one day I returned from the store and saw five bird feathers by the garden gate and I knew they were a message from my husband he was nearby,

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